Get Pre-qualified for an Online Auto Financing (go back »)

July 18 2008, 12:55 AM

Before you begin the task of shopping for a new or used automobile, it might help to secure your financing in advance. Getting pre-qualified for an automobile loan is a great way to speed up the process of buying a new car. Here are a few tips to help you get the best financing for your new car.


Auto Loan Pre-qualification Information


Getting pre-qualified for Online Auto Financing loan is simple. Ordinary, car buyers secure auto financing after they have selected a vehicle. In this case, the dealership will submit a loan application through a partnered finance company. The company will either reject or grant the loan. Most auto loans are approved. This is because the funds are protected by the vehicle. However, dealerships and finance companies may charge higher rates for bad credit applicants. Thus, it is important to secure your own financing.


Pre-qualified auto loans are also advantageous because loan amounts are generally based on your income and other expenses. Thus, you are aware of a sale price that fits comfortably into your budget. Once you have your pre-qualified loan amount, you can begin shopping for a car.


Getting Pre-qualified for Auto Loan


There are several ways to get pre-qualified for Bad Credit Auto Financing. If you have good credit, your loan options are numerous. To begin, contact your current bank or credit union. These lenders generally offer better rates than finance companies. If you have financed a previous automobile, requests loan information from the lender.


Individuals with a negative credit rating will need to obtain pre-qualifications from sub prime lenders. The easiest method for locating a sub prime lender is online or through an auto loan broker. Getting pre-qualified for an auto loan is similar to completing an application for financing. However, pre-qualification are based on stated information. The lenders will not official check your credit until you accept the pre-qualification offer.


After you accept a pre-qualification offer, the lender will send you a letter. This letter does not guarantee a loan. Individuals pre-qualified for a loan must submit an official application. Upon reviewing your credit report and proof of income, lenders have the right to retract the offer. This occurs if you provided false information, or your financial situation changes.

In Auto Loans


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